Mohammad Shami's wife posts nude pic stirring controversy

Mohammad Shami married former model and cheerleader Hasin Jahan in 2014 after falling in love at the IPL matches and dating for a couple of years. Jahan was a divorcee with two daughters at that time. However, the marriage hit the rocks when Jahan made,adultery, domestic violence and match-fixing allegations against her husband in 2018 and he had to miss many team India matches and an arrest warrant was also issued.

The now-estranged Hasin Jahan is very active on social media posting her glamorous pics and dance videos. On Sunday she created yet another controversy by posting a nude pic of herself with Shami and has captioned it in Hindi roughly translated to “When you were nothing, I was pure and pious. Now you are something and I am impure. Drape of lie cannot hide the truth. Crocodile tears only last long. Picture model Hasin Jahan with Cricketer Mohammed Shami”

Fans of Shami have started trolling Hasin Jahan for posting the pic and are accusing her of trying her best to tarnish the image of the star Indian paceman. But the former model does not seem to back out of this fight for now. The troubled couple share daughter Airaah Shami born in 2015.