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Men Not Allowed

Men Not Allowed

Shrey Srivastava
cast & crew
Payal Rohatgi, Tina Majumdar, Aryan Vaid
Shri Vardan Pictures
Sanjeev Srivastava


Two years back director Karan Razdan came up with the first Hindi commercial film about lesbians - ' Girlfriend '. During the same time Shrey Srivastava, director of Insaaf (Sanjay Suri, Dino Morea) started working on 'Men Not allowed' based on a similar theme. Circa May 2006 and this should be yet another skin flick for Payal Rohatgi that comes at a time when going seems to quite good her for in BIG league with films like '36 China Town' and 'Corporate' give her ample scope to display her acting talent too in addition to her customary skin show.

What would any man or woman want most in his/her life at any stage? Pure unadulterated love with no dishonesty, jealousy or selfishness! This is what Tanya [Payal Rohatgi] and Urmila [Tina Majumdar] wanted but unfortunately never found it through their growing years and even when they were in their prime. Prime reason for their discomfort with whatever happened around them? MEN!

What was their past? What made them so intolerant to the mere touch of a man? What was it that made them defy the world and take a plunge into a relationship that is considered taboo by the society?

Meet Tanya. She had everything what a girl living on the other side of the fence may have ever wanted. Rich father, a bungalow, big cars, comfortable living, every facility, status, name, fame....just ask for anything and she had it all! But what was that disturbed her the most?

Being disillusioned!

She was simple disillusioned with the way life had treated her so far, especially her father Karan [Nassar Abdulla]. With all his power and wealth, he continued to make merry in his life and had relationships with number of women since the death of his wife. Though he ran an advertising agency along with Tanya, he was hardly caring and didn't really worry about her well being.

The only ray of hope for Tanya was her boyfriend Shekhar [Aryan Vaid]. But is life always a walk into the sunset?

Their marriage was announced and just when it seemed that Tanya would be able to move away from her artificial world, her dreams shattered completely as she realized that Shekhar too was a womanizer! This was THE moment that disillusioned her and she decided that from now on MEN were NOT ALLOWED in her world!

Meet Urmila. A model by profession, she was finding it hard to make a mark in the world of glamour. Destiny brings her closer to Tanya as she gets an assignment for her advertising agency. As luck would have had it, she fails to deliver. Looking at this, Tanya delves deeper and realizes that Urmila too had a past that had resulted in her hating MEN forever. Coming from a disturbed family of a drug peddler father and a drug addict mother, she was forced to be with her uncle after the death of her parents. Her uncle too turned out to be a demon as he tried to take advantage of the situation and molest her. Later she was sent to an orphanage but her horrific period continued even in this new world.

As soon as she came out of this world, she took a decision. In her new world, MEN were NOT ALLOWED!

Realising that Urmila's past was not less tormenting than her own, Tanya came closer to her and soon they turned into lovers. With her help, Urmila managed to reach the top of the glamour world. Meanwhile a new man came across Tanya. A celebrity model, Vikram [Tarun Arora] was a handsome young man who wanted to be further successful and had intentions of marrying Tanya. Tanya was naturally against this relationship but her father, who gets to know about her relationship with Urmila, hatches a plan to separate the two lovers!

He plays a dirty game of jealousy and love by requesting Vikram to get into a relationship with Urmila so that Tanya feels disturbed about it and has no other opti
