Manchu Lakshmi Warns Fans About Drug Allergies

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 26 2024]

Manchu Lakshmi recently experienced a frightening drug allergy while on vacation in America. The actress, known for her roles in Telugu cinema, took to Instagram to share her experience and warn her followers about the importance of being aware of potential allergies.

Lakshmi, who had been enjoying a family vacation, posted a video of herself with swollen lips, a consequence of an allergic reaction to a combination of Tylenol and Aleve. She explained that she had taken the medication exceeding the recommended dosage, which triggered the reaction.

Fortunately, Lakshmi was able to access prompt medical help from her doctor friends in America, who prescribed steroids to manage the allergic reaction.

Didn't you see the picture I posted? Here I am now, she said in her video, emphasizing the importance of knowing your body's limits. She highlighted the potential severity of drug allergies, stating that even seemingly harmless medication can have unexpected consequences.

I took two normal tablets in excess of the dose, and that's it. Within minutes, my lip broke due to allergy. Lucky me then. My friend was able to give me tablets to control the allergy. Otherwise, I got a bump on my palm. Now I can't do an allergy test, she explained, underscoring the urgency of being aware of potential allergies.

Lakshmi strongly recommended that everyone undergo allergy testing before taking any medication to ensure their safety. She shared her experience as a cautionary tale, emphasizing that even a seemingly simple medication can trigger a dangerous reaction.

The reason why I am posting this video is that if the tablet we take for some small problem does not get into our body, there are cases where many people get allergic and die. So everyone, be very careful. Do an allergy test to know what your body can accept and what not, she urged her followers.

Despite the scare, Lakshmi reassured her fans that she was recovering well and recovering from the allergic reaction. She also shared that she had been able to resume her normal activities, including eating and even wearing lipstick again.

While her vacation may have been interrupted by this unexpected medical event, Manchu Lakshmi used her experience to raise awareness about the importance of being cautious about medication and knowing your body's limits. Her story serves as a powerful reminder to prioritize safety and awareness when it comes to health and well-being.