Making it big in small

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,November 24 2005]

Ramya Krishnan was one of the few actresses who had both looks and talent.

She had an amazing screen presence. So when she had to be away from films after giving birth to a baby, the loss for film fans was big. But now she is back, albeit only on the small screen.

She is venturing to the small screen to host a game show for Sun TV. Asked why this shift, Ramya Krishnan, who has married Telugu director Krishnavamsi says, 'I have taken to small screen out of my own interest. I accepted only a very few offers because I need enough time to spend with my child. I found this offer to host the game show very thrilling and hence I immediately accepted'.

Has she turned her back to the big screen? No is her emphatic reply. 'I will continue to act if I come across good scripts. Acting has been my passion', she says. Ramya has another reason to choose the television. Reaching the masses through a television channel is very easy, opines RamyaKrishnan.