Leonardo DiCaprio responds to Brazil President accusation of setting up Amazon fires

The forest fires in the Amazon forests in Brazil caused huge concern all over the globe as the region is considered as the lungs of the world and the widespread destruction affected in entirety. We ran a story about Hollywood superstar Leonardo DiCaprio contributing Read: Salute! Leonardo DiCaprio donates huge amount to fight Amazon rainforest fire

The Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has made the shocking allegations that Leonardo DiCaprio funded the groups that are starting the forest fires. He has stated Take photo, film, send it to an NGO, the NGO spreads it out, does a campaign against Brazil, gets in touch with Leonardo DiCaprio and Leonardo DiCaprio donates $500,000 to this NGO. One part went to the people who were setting the fire, right? Leonardo DiCaprio, you are assisting with the burning of the Amazon, that can't be.

Leo took to Instagram to respond to the President's strange potshot at him The future of these irreplaceable ecosystems is at stake and I am proud to stand with the groups protecting them, he wrote. While worthy of support, we did not fund the organizations targeted.