Lavanya creates tensions for Raj Tharun at Prasad Labs

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,August 01 2024]

In the face of recent allegations brought forth by Lavanya, I have chosen to address this matter with the utmost integrity and within the confines of the legal system. It is essential to clarify that my actions are not in opposition to Lavanya, but rather a response to the accusations levied against me, undertaken through legal means.

Upon the initial surfacing of these allegations, I took it upon myself to approach various media platforms, ensuring transparency and accountability. I have provided clear evidence and am committed to proceeding with the legal process to ascertain the truth.

Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, I admit to harboring a deep-seated apprehension towards marriage in the past. It was a personal stance, independent of any current allegations or legal proceedings.

Shekhar Basha, a colleague and friend, has also presented substantial evidence in the public domain, corroborating my defense. This was the reason I abstained from attending promotional events for the film 'Purushottamudu'; the ongoing legal battle necessitated my absence.

As a human being, I am not immune to the emotional toll these accusations have taken on me. It is a challenging time, and I have chosen to focus on the legal aspects of the matter at hand.

In my 32 years of life, I have encountered thousands of individuals, each with their own stories. Over the past week, I have been spending time at home, away from the public eye, reflecting on the situation.

I am sensitive to even the minutest detail, and this period has been particularly trying for me and my family. Our privacy and well-being have been significantly impacted by these events.

I am currently in Hyderabad, not having fled from any responsibility or legal proceedings. It was never my intention to damage my public image or shirk any obligations.

I am in possession of additional evidence, which exceeds that of Lavanya's, and am prepared to present it when the time is right. The narrative that I have been evading the truth is unfounded.

A Slight Tension at Prasad's Lab:

Lavanya's attempt to meet with Raj Tarun at Prasad's Lab was met with police intervention, preventing her entry into the preview theater. Raj Tarun, on the other hand, attended a press meet for the film 'Tiragabadara Saami'.

Lavanya's Pleas and Questions:

Lavanya expressed her wish to speak directly with Raj Tarun, questioning the presence of Malvi alongside him, drawing parallels to previous controversies. Her inquiries revolve around the integrity of Raj Tarun's actions and his insistence on maintaining distance from the allegations.

Raj Tarun's Response:

In response to Lavanya's questions, Raj Tarun reiterates his commitment to legal proceedings and transparency. He emphasizes that his actions are driven by a desire for justice and truth, rather than avoidance or evasion.

A Call for Legal Justice and Personal Integrity

The unfolding saga involving Raj Tarun and Lavanya underscores the complexities of legal disputes and personal conflicts. As the narrative progresses, it remains a testament to the human capacity for resilience and the pursuit of truth within the legal framework. The questions raised by Lavanya seek clarity amidst the turmoil, while Raj Tarun's stance highlights the importance of legal recourse in addressing personal disputes in the public eye.