Kristen Stewart Calls Out Hollywood Phoniness: 'It Feels Phony'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 09 2024]

Kristen Stewart is aiming her criticism at the fakery she believes to exist in Hollywood. The actress talked about the need for more significant change and her dissatisfaction with the industry's propensity to highlight a small number of chosen women in an interview with Porter magazine.

There's this notion that we might somehow destroy the patriarchy by checking off a few boxes, Stewart said. But claiming advancement while showcasing a small number of women like Maggie Gyllenhaal or Margot Robbie is flimsy. That seems phony.

Stewart's enthusiasm is being directed toward The Chronology of Water, her feature debut. She's resolved to finish this job before thinking about taking on any more.

I'm committed to make this film before I entertain any other offers, she declared. If necessary, I'll quit the business. That's the level of significance for me.

Stewart aggressively pursued financing for the film, which is based on the memoir of Lidia Yuknavitch, at Sundance. The lead part is expected to go to Imogen Poots.

My film examines themes of menstruation, incest, and a woman reclaiming her voice and body, Stewart said. The trip is worthwhile even if it is tough. Its bare honesty will, I think, enthrall viewers.