Kona Venkat stresses about his priority!

Kona Venkat started out as a distributor then became a writer and now, he is a producer in Film Industry. He openly tweeted,

We all came to Film industry with lot of passion and after many struggles.. Audience reactions to our work in THEATRES is our motivation and oxygen ... Nothing can match this feeling.. CINEMA is meant for Cinema Halls.. And that’s our “PRIORITY”.

The writer and producer, seems to be highly opposing the idea of releasing his film, Nishabdam on OTT platforms. The film, these days is in news so much that if they don't release the movie on OTT platforms, people will themselves force them to do so.

Did he tweet this to stop that kind of assumption or did he try to give an answer to any Industry people, who putting pressure on him and his producers? We cannot say that but he seems to firmly support waiting till the theaters open up for releasing new movies rather than using OTT platforms to reduce losses.