KCR replies Mohan Babu, even harsher

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 23 2009]

Seems that Mohan Babu and KCR are bringing vitriolic sparring to an all-time low. If Mohan Babu asked KCR if he thought that Hyderabad belonged to his maternal uncle, KCR replied back saying that those who opine that the city doesn't belong to Telangana will have their tongues cut.

He said, ‘‘Our people in Telangana are sleeping on empty stomach. What’s a day’s shooting?, he said referring to the Tuesday incident. If Mohan Babu takes a pro- Andhra stand, why should people in Telangana watch his films? Mohan Babu asks us if Hyderabad belongs to our maternal uncle. I say does it belong to his maternal uncle.

KCR's indictment turned tasteless when he said, The film unit members should thank their stars that our activists did not harm them.

With the situation turning hostile between the actor and the politician by the day, the episode has become the most-talked about news in AP.