Kasak fails to excite

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,July 28 2005]

There are some movies that sound interesting when in an inception phase. But as soon as the promos begin and the movie is ready for the release, the excitement fizzles out on an alarming rate. Rajeev Babbar directed 'Kasak', which would hit the marquee in the month of August is one such movie.

With an interesting pairing of Lucky Ali and Pakistani actress Meera, everyone would have believed that 'Kasak' would turn out to be a different product.

'Different' it does look and feel but as far as the song'n'dance sequences currently on air on the small screen are concerned; they have failed to ignite any fire.

Audio wise the songs by MM Kreem do sound fine [inspite of a Jism, Criminal hangover], but they just do not excite enough due to weak visuals.

There is hardly anything to look forward to from the 3-4 songs currently on air, what with slow motion choreography and some very average cinematography. Moreover each of the tracks look and feel same while failing to give any idea whatsoever about the movie.

Guess the makers would have to rework on the movie's promotion pretty soon to come up with more exciting promos, lest it fails to get noticed in the flurry of big releases resuming mid-August onwards.