Karunas is a distributor now

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,December 04 2006]

Karunas is evincing keen interest in film distribution these days. A popular musician-cum-comedian, Karunas was introduced to cinema by Bala.

He managed to establish a place for himself in the industry.

Currently the actor is into distribution of films. Karunas successfully distributed movies including Thoothukudi and E in Thirunelveli district.

He has also bought the distribution rights of Thirunelveli area for Vikranth's Mudhal Kanavae.

Says Karunas, “It is no doubt a risky venture. But I enjoy doing it. I choose movies with caution.”

Stating that producer R B Choudary was the inspiration behind him in taking to distribution, Karunas said, “Luckily, my movies are doing good. I hope to expand my business soon.”

Asked whether he would venture into production in future, the actor quickly denied and said that having seen the travails of a producer from very close quarters, he would never produce films.