Kalki- in no mood for commercial stuff

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 23 2009]

Kalki Coechlin is among that new breed of actors in Bollywood who give more importance to quality than quantity.

So the Chanda of ‘Dev D’ believes that characters destined for her will come seeking her.
And there is no need to unnecessarily worry about the future and join the mad run searching for new roles.

Kalki says “I feel settled in life and at peace with myself. Life changed after ‘Dev D’, but I am not keen on commercial cinema or any rat race of such sort”.

This is what the 26 year old actress has to say about the role in ‘Dev D’ that brought her attention.

“The role was special, it had to be done. It just could not be refused. And I am not looking for a career in commercial cinema, so it does not matter”.

A couple of years back, an actress with this attitude would have never been able to survive in the B-Town.

But thanks to the advent of the era of Multiplexes, things are different.

Now there is space in the film industry for varied styles of movie making as well as enough work for performers like Kalki.