The movie 'Jugni' is written and directed by debut filmmaker Shefali Bhushan, and produced by Karan Grover, Manas Malhotra, and Shefali Bhushan. The movie revolves around Vibhavari, a music director, who works on her first big break in the Hindi film industry. The film has traditional musical that is composed by Clinton Cerejo and it also consists of contributions from several other acclaimed Indian film composers including Vishal Bharadwaj and Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman. The film is being distributed by PVR Pictures and is set to release nationwide in India on January 22nd, 2016.
'Jugni' is a romantic musical film that revolves around a music composer who travels to a village in India in search of a golden voice. The term 'Jugni' literal translation means 'female firefly' and that's what the movie character deal with on being free spirited. For Vibs, when work and home affairs didn't work then she hit the road with a glint of hope to find music. The journey takes her to a village in Punjab in the search of a Bibi Saroop, whose voice Vibs is searching for. But as the story moves on, Mastana finds his way into Vibs' heart. From here on, Jugni is about striking balances, making tough decisions and finding the place which one can call home. `Home of the heart, where the firefly is at her brightest!'.
Cast: Sugandha Garg, Siddhant Behl, Anurita Jha, Sadhana Singh, Samir Sharma.
Release: It is scheduled to hit theatres on January 22nd, 2016.