John Abraham opens up about India's stand on Russia-Ukraine war 

John Abraham is currently busy promoting his upcoming sci-fi action flick 'Attack'. 'Attack' is the next entry in a series of patriotic films which John seems to be doing since last few years. Recently while promoting the film, John talked about his idea of heroism and went on to applaud India's stand on Russia-Ukraine war.

According to a latest report in The Indian Express, John said, For me, India’s heroism doesn’t come from waving the national flag, that’s being jingoistic. For me, what is cool about India is how in the Russia and Ukraine war, India has abstained (from voting against Russia at the UN). Why has India abstained? It is because India is smart enough to understand that their oldest ally has always been Russia. India has recognised that.

For me that is heroism; India has not bowed to the pressure to vote against Russia. I am not saying I stand for war, I don’t. All I am saying is, my idea of heroism is that, he further added.

John concluded by saying, “Modern heroism is showing the way India is positioned in the world’s ecosystem, but in a way that a modern person will understand why India is the greatest country.

'Attack' is set to release theatrically on 1st of April 2022.