JD directing Srikanth

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 07 2011]

Undeterred by the super failure of Money, Money & More Money, JD Chekravarthy has started a new film. The film, it is reported, has already gone on the floors. The news is that the untitled and undisclosed film stars Srikanth in the main lead.

It is not known as to why JD has preferred to keep the film under wraps. Srikanth is not star about whose moves the media wouldn't care more. He is very well regarded and his new launches are reported regularly.

Perhaps JD's preference to keep low-profile, is the reason why he has chosen to be tight-lipped about the film. Both the director and hero have been unavailable for comment.

It may be noted that JD was thinking of making a film set in a friend's home in the US. We have not heard about the idea from him of late.