Jackie Chan's daughter opts for lesbian marriage

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 27 2018]

Jackie Chan's estranged 19-year-old daughter Etta Ng has confirmed that she has married her 31-year-old lesbian lover Andi Autumn. Etta was born when Jackie had an affair with former Hong Kong beauty queen Elaine Ng. The couple were married in Canada and have returned to Hong Kong.

Taking to her social media post, Etta Ng stated: Back to Hong Kong as wife and wife, if you never give up on love and you put all your heart into the family you have dreamed of, an open mind and warm heart will guide you to happiness. We have been in the persuit of happiness the day we were born. Abused as children who never felt love, we have so much to give.

She added, We have conquered our fears, accepted our faults, and now we understand that the people who hurt us are hurting still. We have all been hurt but if you can dream of love, you can find it. Love is kind, it does not judge. Love is both strength and weakness. Love can make change. Love wins!