Ivanka surprised at Modi's journey from a tea-maker to the Prime Minister!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,November 29 2017]

Ivanka Trump, daughter of the most powerful man on earth (U.S. President Donald Trump), has expressed her complete surprise that a person who had been making tea could go on to become the Prime Minister of one of the two largest democracies in the world.

36-year Ivanka, who is a businesswoman, mother of three children and is also an advisor to her father, landed up in India in the morning yesterday to inaugurate the 8th annual 3-day Global Entrepreneur Summit (GES) in Hyderabad hosted jointly by India and America.  She was received at the Airport by Telengana Govt's Information Technolgy Secretary and high-ranking police and civil officials.

After having lunch with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, she delivered a delectable speech referring to the Summit which is giving more significance to woman entrepreneurs.  Ivanka said that women in India have been empowered in a phased manner and have progressed a lot in many sectors.

Modi’s growth from being a tea-maker to a Prime Minister is staggering; Modi has proved time and again that change is always possible,” Ivanka remarked.  She also said that the India had always been a true friend of the U.S.

Indian economy is one of the fast-growing economies in the world; India has become the centre of attraction for several countries to come and invest in it.  India has progressed a lot and the changes I see here are mind-boggling.  Hyderabad had always fascinated me; the city, which was once a religious centre, has now become a scientific city and has grown by leaps and bounds as a industrial city, Ivanka concluded.