Medical Miracle !! Israeli Doctors Reattach Boy's Head After Accident

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 14 2023]

Israeli doctors have achieved an extraordinary milestone in the field of medicine by successfully reattaching a young boy's head following an intense motor vehicle accident that resulted in internal decapitation. This noteworthy event involved 12-year-old Palestinian boy Suleiman Hassan, who sustained bilateral atlanto occipital joint dislocation, causing his skull to detach from the uppermost vertebrae in his spine after being struck by a car while cycling.

Instantly rushed to Hadassah Medical Center for urgent surgical intervention in the trauma unit, Hassan underwent a complex operation led by Dr. Ohad Einav, an accomplished orthopedic specialist, spanning several hours during which innovative technology was employed alongside novel plates and fixations designed specifically for addressing damage in this area.

Although taking place earlier this year in June, information regarding this incredible achievement has just recently come to light. Following his surgery, Hassan was discharged with a cervical splint and will be subject to continuous monitoring during his ongoing recuperative phase.

Dr. Einav conveyed sincere gratitude for the favorable outcome while recognizing that performing such intricate surgeries on children and teenagers necessitates specialization alongside substantial experience. Hassan's father expressed heartfelt appreciation toward the doctors, acknowledging their unwavering professionalism, cutting-edge technology utilization, and prompt decision-making that ultimately resulted in his son's life being saved.

The medical practitioners emphasized not only the rarity of this particular surgical intervention but also underscored the significance of Hassan's recovery without any negative impacts on neurological function or motor capabilities. The collective wealth of knowledge possessed by the medical team, their impeccable skill set, coupled with their utilization of advanced technology, played an indispensable role in saving young Hassan's life and enabling him to fully regain his ability to function normally.