I might use the gun- Kamal

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 01 2009]

It is a known reply from Kamal, if any question is raised regarding his political plans. The actor has never bothered about entering into politics and never spoke about those plans as well. Though we know about Kamal’s answer in regards to politics, the media persons in some-way make sure to ask this same old question, every time they meet him. Not to nag about their curiousness, they just want to make sure if Kamal is still grounded in his stand.

Don’t know what happened to our Kalaingnani. He came out with a burning answer when the bunch of journalists asked him again regarding his entry into politics, in a recent interview.

Kamal said, “I would never contemplate entering politics. Thought am active into politics, I would never turn into a politician.” He also added that turning out to be politician would pave him the way to use the firearm.

We can only wonder how radical his thought will be if he turns into a politician!