Hunter Biden Fights Gun Charges: Unconstitutional, Unfair, and Politicized?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,December 12 2023]

Hunter Biden's legal team is firing on all cylinders in an effort to dismiss federal gun charges against him. They've launched a multi-pronged attack, arguing the case is unconstitutional, unfair, and politically motivated.

At the heart of their argument lies a broken deal. Biden previously agreed to a diversion program for drug and alcohol use, including a temporary ban on firearm ownership. The government claims that deal fell apart in July. But Biden's lawyers insist it's still valid, making the charges illegal.

Further fueling their case, they claim Biden's purchase of a gun in 2018, while a drug user, doesn't violate the law. They cite a recent Supreme Court ruling that requires gun regulations to align with historical tradition. Additionally, they argue the specific statute used to charge Biden is unconstitutional, as it doesn't require proof of drug use at the moment of purchase.

But the legal battle doesn't stop there. Biden's lawyers accuse the investigation of being politically motivated, claiming it buckled under pressure from Republicans and former President Trump. They point to Trump's repeated calls for an investigation and Republican efforts to do the same.

Adding another layer of complexity, they claim special counsel David Weiss' appointment was illegal, violating regulations and bypassing proper procedure. They also argue the funding for the investigation is unauthorized, raising concerns about its legitimacy.

The stakes are high. This case doesn't just involve gun charges; it touches on political agendas, family ties, and even potential impeachment proceedings against President Biden.

While the investigation has been ongoing for years, Republican-led committees are yet to produce concrete evidence of wrongdoing by the President. Whether Biden's legal team can convince the court of the charges' flaws and political motivations remains to be seen. This case promises to be a complex and contentious legal battle with far-reaching implications.