How I became a Hero - Ameer

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 24 2009]

Yogi - Gallery

With Yogi’s shooting almost complete, Ameer is eager to see how the audience will receive him as an actor. A filmmaker with international fame, Ameer has donned the greasepaint for the first time for ‘Yogi’, which is being produced by him and directed by Subramaniam Siva.

Speaking about his experiences while shooting the film, the actor says he was a hindrance to his film many a time. “I’m a director first, and that’s something I’m finding hard to forget. Often, when my scenes are being canned, I worry about the lighting or camera or trolley and forget to emote. That’s when Siva steps in and says I’m only an actor here, and not the director.

Speaking about the delay of the film, Ameer says it was caused due to delays in obtaining permission and shooting within the city, as the storyline demanded. The film is the life of a gangster Yogeshwaran, played by Ameer, and his other three cronies.