Himansee makes debut, dance for cause

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,June 28 2017]

Very cute and talented dancer Himansee from Hyderabad has made Arangetram' in cinema even before the traditional system in her Bharatanatyam dance.Himansee father is a businessman in Hyderabad and mother is housewife. She has been learning dance from the age of 12. Currently she is studying in final year of B Tech – four years professional course and practicing dance regularly. When the offer of her debut film Navila Kinnari' came to Himansee, she was excited and took it as a challenge to deliver the requirement in a language not known to her.

She has performed in two classical dances for this film. Learnt Kannada to emote properly and liked the environment of work of her first film.The classical dance of Himansee is for a great cause of Kannada school in the film. Senior journalist VL Prakash, Hulikal Nataraj a rationalist worked on the script and screenplay. Venki Chella has directed the first film of Himansee.