Hasya Bhrama Brahmanandam shares his insights on 'Nenu-Mee Brahmanandam'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,February 01 2024]

Brahmanandam, who turned 68 this year, has had a prolific career spanning over four decades, which has even been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records. Now, the talented actor has taken on a new role as a writer, penning his autobiography titled Nenu Mee Brahmanandam. The book has become a bestseller, detailing Brahmanandam's struggles throughout various stages of his life, from his poverty-stricken childhood to his days as a college lecturer and his early years in the Telugu film industry.

Brahmanandam addresses the common misconception that people no longer read by emphasizing the importance of telling stories in an engaging manner. He says, It is imperative to tell your story in an interesting manner, for interest is the guiding factor for everything we see, read and engage ourselves in. With this belief, Brahmanandam confidently and honestly shares his story, regardless of the prevalent notion that people don't read anymore.

A key theme in Nenu Mee Brahmanandam is adversity. Brahmanandam acknowledges that everyone works hard, but often struggles to reconcile with or appreciate their own hardships. He encourages readers to see the larger utility and potential payoff of their struggles by sharing his journey. By doing so, he hopes to inspire people to enjoy the journey as much as they look forward to the destination.

Brahmanandam also delves into his relationship with his parents and the life lessons they taught him. He notes that while some problems are solved, others are passed on from one generation to the next, creating a continuous cycle. Despite the similarities in the problems faced across generations, he acknowledges changes in time, money, economy, and technology.

The book also explores Brahmanandam's beliefs about god, atheism, and individuality. He strongly believes in god's grace but recognizes that people often view the existence of problems as proof of atheism. He highlights the difference between not knowing and not existing and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging what is beyond our perception. Brahmanandam's message to today's youth is one of motivation. He reflects on his own humble beginnings, such as wearing patched-up clothes to school and receiving hand-me-down textbooks. He wants his story to reach children living in similar conditions, inspiring them to rise above their circumstances and achieve their goals.

Brahmanandam expresses his belief that regrets should be removed from people's vocabularies, as they stem from a pessimistic outlook. He encourages people to avoid doing things that they know are wrong in the first place.

Looking back at his life, Brahmanandam is grateful for the immense job satisfaction he has gained from his career as a comedy actor. He values the audience's love and happiness he evokes through his performances, which have been a source of strength and health throughout his four decades in the film industry.