Gorgeous Sara Loren CLICKED in Darjeeling

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,February 16 2015]

Recently shooting for her movie 'Ishq Click', the pretty 'Murder 3' beauty Sara Loren got well acquainted with the locals. She got treated with local cuisines.

According to the sources, the 'Ishq Click' cast and crew were shooting in Darjeeling. The location was perfect and fulfilled all the script's requirements. During the shoots, many locals would watch the shoot. There were times when they would ask the crew members for Sara and Adhyayan Suman's autographs.

Producer Ajay Jaiswal informs that the fans would crowd the sets, but never did they ever disturb the ongoing process. In fact, they would wait for a scene to end to ask for autographs and photos. They even got them Thukpa, Churpee the local cuisines along with Momos. Sara was over the moon with their kind gesture; and spent a short while talking and clicking pictures with them. She even enjoyed the famous Darjeeling tea with them before shoots.

'Ishq Click' is an intense love story that sees Adhyayan Suman playing a photographer and Sara Loren his love interest. The movie is directed by Anil Ballani and produced by Ajay Jaiswal of Algol Films.