Humorous! Hikers Think Wild Pig is After Them, But Actually...

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No more Monday blues! This incident which has come to light is quite funny and will be just what you were looking for to improve your day. Two hikers had the fright of their lives when they thought they were being chased by an aggressive wild pig. They climbed on to a tree and called the cops in terror. Late at night, the woman had called 911 from the Government Canyon State Park saying that a wild pig was following her and her companion. She urged the officer to hurry because the pig was supposedly nearby and growling.
When the officer arrived at the site, he found the pair still on the tree. The woman told him that the pig was close by and had just made a noise. Just then the sound of cars driving over rumble strips nearby could be heard. The change in their body language made the officer ask the hikers if that was the noise they heard and they nodded. He then explained that there was no pig after them and the sound was that of cars nearby. Obviously, the duo was very embarrassed but was reassured that “the unknown can be scary and their reaction was surprisingly common.”
A @GovtCanyon park police officer responded to an urgent call from a woman who had taken refuge in a tree. An animal she believed to be a wild pig was nearby and growling.
— TX Parks & Wildlife (@TPWDnews) July 3, 2019
It wasn't a pig. Latest from @TexasGameWarden at
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