Pakistani actor Fawad Khan has perfectly made a mark in Bollywood in a very short period of time. He rose to fame with the movie 'Khoobsurat' opposite Sonam Kapoor, from then on her grew famous among female co-stars.

Fawad recently appeared on the Times Celebx list and also grabbed the third spot on Times `50 Most Desirable Men of 2015' list. What more I guess would an actor want? Currently, he has appeared on the cover of another renowned magazine. Where he can make any girl drool for him!

Fawad looks hot and amazing in his recent photo shoot and he has surely set the temperatures high with his incomparable good looks on the latest cover of Hi Blitz.

In his recent interview, with 'Hi Blitz' magazine he opened up saying, "Yes, I have stage fear. When you go up on stage you just feel the pressure that you have to not just perform but perform perfectly."

Fawad also spoke about his unique sense of humour saying, "I used to have a morbid and morose sense of humour and people don`t generally get it - they'll say 'god forbid, god forbid' - not realising I'm joking."

We just don't care Fawad and that really does not matter much.. We still love you for the way you are? Even at the ripe age of 50 I'm sure girls are going to get weak on the knees! Fawad was last seen in the movie Kapoor And Sons` and will also soon be seen in Karan Johar's 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' that will release this year.

Pakistani actor Fawad Khan has perfectly made a mark in Bollywood in a very short period of time. He rose to fame with the movie 'Khoobsurat' opposite Sonam Kapoor, from then on her grew famous among female co-stars.Â