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Eleyaru Naavu Geleyaru Review

In the days of discussions and debates as to what constitutes a ‘Children Film’, here comes a children film well supported by elders.

‘Eleyaru Navu Geleyaru’ has ten punters in different field who are very strong in mindset and possess the skill of taking any daunting task. The ten drama juniors reality show participants in this film is the first cynosure of the film ‘ENG’.

Producer cum story writer of the film Nagaraj Gopal concern for children and what best they can do is understandable. Vikram Soori in his first directorial venture from acting in plays, dance, cinema and television has worked hard but expected fall out in the end. Had he kept the suspense why children are struggling to get Rs.6 lakhs is revealed in the end, the curiosity would have developed. When father of Rank Vidya reveals the disease in her child the expectations of audience come true. However, the second half touches your heart and first half keeps you smiling from the pranksters around. The children have different qualities in this film – a hero like Achintya, one who identifies the sound of birds, there is a freeloader, a mechanic boy, one who can climb any tree, intelligent Paper Mohana, a rank student, one who prepares instant lollypop, a smiling boy etc. They are friends, not ready to give up at any cost. The credibility of Hakki Rama is what makes these friends proud at the end. What is that you to watch the film on silver screen.

All the ten are toppers in this film - Achintya, Nihal, Abhishekh, Amog, Tushal, Puttaraju, Mahendra, Sooraj, Tejaswini, Mahiti – are very free in acting. The elders like Shanker Ashwath, Harini, Srikanth Heblikar and others have given nice support.

The second hero of the film is Anoop Seelin. He has given one beautiful prayer song, two lovely melodies and one more that reminds of our yesteryear games in the villages.

Ashok V Raman has given extra effort when the children are before his camera. All child actors are fast and camera sharpness was needed. Ashok has successfully done it. Kemparaj as editor has his job neatly done.

The schools have just begun in Karnataka. Yet the children could go and watch this film with parents unfailingly.

Rating : 4.0 / 5.0