Each resident of AP to get 3 masks: Jaganmohan Reddy

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy has on Sunday instructed officials to make arrangements for the distribution of face masks to the entire population of the State. Each resident will get 3 masks.

A total of 16 crore masks will be distributed. AP is the first State in the country to make such an announcement. It has to be seen how the procurement of an unprecedented number of masks will be done in the coming weeks and months. It seems three masks won't be distributed at once. It will be a phased distribution.

In due course of time, the wearing of masks will be made compulsory in the State.

Just the other day, Telangana had made the wearing of face masks compulsory for one and all to curb the spread of COVID-19. The KCR government's advisory said that homemade masks shall be used by everyone.