Dyavuda! Director deletes scenes

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,January 10 2017]

Directed by Sairam Dasari, 'Dyavuda' may be said to be a spiritual thriller. The story is woven around the idea of what happens when God appears for real! When the trailer was released on the New Year day, however, it offended the sentiments of some Hindus.

The trailer sees a couple of characters, one of them in the avatar of an aghora, worshiping Lord Shiva in a peculiar fashion - by doing an 'abhishekam' with cigarettes and liquor!

While apologizing for the unintended hurt the trailer may have caused, the director has said that his intention was only to depict a tradition practiced at a holy temple in Ujjain. "However, our film has hurt some Hindu brothers even before its release. We are forthwith omitting the scenes from our film," the director says. Good intentions have been received wrongly. Dyavuda!