Paw-sport Mishap:Doggo's Passport Snack Delays Couple's Italian Nuptials

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 21 2023]

A playful and mischievous Golden Retriever named Chickie, barely a year and a half old, playfully chewed up his owner's passport just days before his wedding in Italy. Donato Frattaroli and his fiancee Magda Mazri's wedding plans are now up in the air as their special day is set for August 31, according to a report from the New York Post.

The couple had gone to city hall on Thursday to complete their marriage paperwork. However, upon returning home, they were greeted with a heartwarming but problematic sight: Chickie had managed to nibble through several pages of Mr. Frattaroli's passport. Despite the unexpected challenge, the couple is actively working on obtaining a replacement passport and has even reached out to local officials for assistance.

Mr. Frattaroli expressed his feelings, saying, I'm just a little stressed. Fortunately, help is on the way as Congressman Stephen Lynch's office and Senator Ed Markey's office are lending a hand. They're working together with the State Department to expedite the process of obtaining a new passport.

Their flight to Italy is booked for this Friday. While there's uncertainty about getting a new passport in time, Mr. Frattaroli mentioned that if necessary, he might consider staying back while his fiancee and their guests proceed with the wedding festivities. He humorously added that if things don't align perfectly, he's open to the idea of reuniting with the wedding party once they return to the US.