Disney+ Hotstar: BIGG BOSS LIVE - Bindu teases Shiva and Chaitu

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,March 19 2022]

10:00 PM: Mithraw resolves her problems with Sarayu and calls her as Mother. Ashu expresses her concern that Akhil will be hurt about how their friendship will be portrayed outside. She wonders, what if people think that they are same Akhil-Monal from previous season and maintain distance from her. Ariyana doesn't respond as Ashu expected and Ashu casually says that nobody maintains bonds with Ariyana.

Ariyana takes offence and walks away. Ashu also blasts back at her. Later, Teju asks Ariyana to not come in between her and Natraj master. Teju wants to play as solo player.

Ariyana on the other hand expresses her concern that she might not develop bonds with anyone. Hence, she may not be seen on telecast at all and may not continue in the show. People might not see her at all. Akhil says loudly that Ashu's words sometimes do not have any meaning. Later, he fears if she heard him. He manages to console Ariyana but she seems to overthink.

9:45 PM: Omkar leaves. Ajay takes an issue with Akhil not sharing his sorrow with him and crying alone. Akhil tells him that he himself goes to people who seem to be sad and he expects same from others. He cannot go and tell them that he is sad. Natraj is happy looking at his baby's photo. Mithraw is over-excited. Sarayu calls her Ashu's sister and not hers. Mithraw tries to clear the misunderstanding and resolves the issue. 

9:30 PM: Ariyana-Mahesh win the task. They get a chance to appear on Ismart Jodi show of Omkar on Star Maa as a couple. Omkar praises all the contestants but nominates Ashu - Shiva and Bindu - Akhil as most graceful of them all. He praises Chaitu-Hameeda for not letting their weight become an issue and for being in Top 2. He asks housemates to become inspiring figures for people who are watching the show.

9:15 PM: The competiton gets even tougher for the pairs. Teju-Ajay get eliminated mid-song. Mithraw-Anil, Chaitu - Hameeda and Ariyana - Mahesh enter Top 3. They have to dance on further folded charts. Ariyana climbs on Mahesh Vitta's shoulders. Hameeda climbs on the back of Chaitu.

Anil lifts Mithraw in his arms. Ariyana takes off her coat mid-song increasing the romantic heat. Mithraw-Anil pair gets eliminated after a valiant effort.

Ariyana-Mahesh and Chaitu-Hameeda enter Top 2 and they have stand on the chart that is folded to have space for putting one foot.

9:00 PM: Omkar declares the first song as trials and makes it more tougher. After second song, Sarayu - Natraj and Ashu - Shiva get eliminated. The pairs have to dance on half-floated charts for the next song. Bindu - Akhil get eliminated in the third song. Now, the pairs have to dance on the further three-folded charts.

8:45 PM: Mithraw goes last and she gets red heart from Omkar. Most importantly she gets a chance to appear in Raju Gari Gadhi 4 movie.

He gets into business end of his visit. He selects pairs to participate in a game namely, Dance on Chart. The pairs are Ariyana - Mahesh, Teju - Ajay, Ashu - Shiva, Sarayu - Natraj, Chaitu - Hameeda, Akhil - Bindu and Mithraw - Anil. Shravanthi becomes Sanchalak for the task. The couples have to dance on their independent charts.

8:30 PM: Hameeda gets teddy bear as a gift. She names the doll as Bobo. Anil gets a whistle as gift. Omkar tells him to never repeat his mistakes.

Ajay gets Horseshoe magnet. Omkar calls him human magnet and tells him that Mumaith Khan misses him.

Shiva gets face mask made by artificial fruits. He asks him to concentrate on showing out his good heart than improving his looks. Bindu praises his friendship.

Akhil gets tissue box. Omkar jokes with him saying you got another person this season to care about. Ashu praises Akhil's concern for her.

8:15 PM: Natraj gets his baby Lakshya photo frame as gift. He tries to bury the hatchet with Omkar and the popular anchor turned director asks him to forget about all the past. Natraj shares about his baby and gets emotional. Omkar shares to him that baby laughs immediately after watching him on screen.

Teju gets to open her gift next. She gets chocolates. Mahesh goes up next. He gets populapette (spices box). Omkar encourages him to show off his humour and romance angles. Mahesh says he will be more humourous with everyone.

8:00 PM: Bindu gets to open her gift next. She gets Avakaya Biryani resembling her first film in Telugu. Akhil gets to taste first bite from Bindu's hand. Later Omkar asks everyone to share the biryani and asks them to give a bite to Natraj, especially.

Shravanthi gets toothbrush as gift. Omkar praises her positive attitude. He asks her to smile always. She shares her struggles and asks women to never think about themselves as inferior to anyone. Housemates call her Mother India of The House.

7:45 PM: Chaitu gets the chance to open his gift next. He gets a mic as gift. He plays his 5 seconds game with Omkar. Chaitu remembers his family members and friends. He tells them he misses them and thanks them for their efforts to help him win.

Sarayu gets to open her gift next. She gets a small trophy for her efforts this season. Omkar suggests Sarayu to open up even better.

7:30 PM: Omkar brought gift packs for each one of them. Ariyana gets a plant as a gift. Ashu rushes to her gift not heeding to Chaitu's suggestions. She gets a scrubber as a gift. Omkar tries to give metaphorical depth to the simple gifts.

7:15 PM: Omkar asks Ajay to repeat Love task again. This time Ajay picks Hameeda to impress in ten minutes. Tejaswi appreciates Ajay for his efforts and Hameeda blushes. Omkar calls Akhil to impress Hameeda and put up a competition between Ajay and Akhil for Hameeda. She imitates One second by catching hands of both of them. After a good suspence, she lifts Akhil's hand.

7:00 PM: Omkar enters into the house as the Guest. He says that he is excited to meet them all. He praises juniors for giving tough fight to seniors. He compliments seniors for not repeating their mistakes. He further praises Tejaswi for giving Love Tips to impress a woman in Ten Minutes. Tejaswi agrees to funny proposal from Omkar to open Tejaswi Love School.

6:45 PM: Housemates get gifts. Bigg Boss asks them to sit in the garden area. They are all excited about the gifts each of them got. Shiva got the biggest package out of all. Everyone finally settles down. Bigg Boss sarcastically scolds them for touching gifts when it is prohibited.

6:30 PM: Everyone is enjoying evening snacks before the event. House members are teasing each other and sharing food as well. Shiva gets trolled by Chaitu and Bindu. Sarayu compliments Anil about his looks and Chaitu asks her if he should talk to Anil about them. She says she likes rugged men and not chocolate boys.

6:15 PM: Bindu teases Shiva saying that she will be the winner of the title and he can be runner up. She says that she wants to stay in the house till finale. Shiva counters her saying that he will be the winner and she can be 3rd. Mahesh counters them both by saying he will be the winner actually. Teju shows her abs to Bindu. Chaitu discusses about who cooks dinner between Natraj master and Teju. After some to and fro, he decides Teju will cook the dinner.

6:00 PM: Preparations for the evening event are going at a full swing. Bindu teases Shiva and Chaitu saying that she looks perfect with Shiva. Akhil says Chaitu lost some weight. The anticipation for the guest among the various housemates is at a huge high. Mahesh and Chaitu tease Shiva about his stunning looks.

5:45 PM: Every body gets ready for evening tasks. They expect to welcome guests and house is getting ready as well. Ashu and Shravanthi take time to complete their make up. Everyone is waiting for the task to start. Ashu thinks it could be a wild card entry but hopes to keep her emotions in check.

5:30 PM: Ajay talks about loving everyone and imitates Prabhas from Mirchi. Akhil teases him saying that he dislikes people who drink Tea and Coffee. Ajay says he loves everyone equally diverting the topic with light hearted humour. Teju and Ariyana start playing hide and seek.

5:15 PM: Teju teases Akhil calling him Akki Chikki. Teju reveals that her pet name as a kid was Chutki. Chaitu and Akhil continue to cut beans. Shiva's back injury is still hurting him. Bindu helps him to walk out. Ariyana and Teju steal coffee powder. They joke about how Ariyana got the tag, Thief along with Ashu in the first week.

5:00 PM: Ariyana and Teju discuss about how they can be themselves in the house. Teju wonders who nominated her and how did she get eliminated in her season. Ariyana pokes slightly at Sarayu after their small brawl. Ariyana wears skimpy outfit and says when she feels happy she likes to wear some revealing shorts that make her look sexy. Chaitu teases her about it saying Cameramen will be thinking about her even in their sleep.

4:45 PM: Akhil is still feeling lonely. Ariyana joins him and they say it is different level of game of mental health for both of them as they have stayed 15 weeks in the house and this is different one. Akhil tells her that he wants to see how Bigg Boss Non Stop trophy looks like. Akhil talks about importance of self-love as Chaitu tries to tease Ariyana and him, diverting the topic. Shiva completes cleaning utensils.

4:30 PM: Natraj master asks Bigg Boss indirectly to give him news about well-being of his family members. He said that he has changed this week because of the feedback he received last week.  He stated that he connected with Akhil and Teju as friend but they both don't really value him much. Teju calls him while he is talking alone, he stops and joins her and rest of the housemates.

4:15 PM: Chaitu asks Shiva to do some work. Shiva is ready to help Sarayu in cleaning utensils. Sarayu asks him to take rest as he slipped down and hurt his back. Chaitu jokes about Shiva doing some work in the house and wishes to see him doing something, anything. He joins Sarayu in cleaning utensils.

4:00 PM: Ariyana helps Natraj Master to understand that Teju might be hurt over some kind of thing that happened between them. She asks him to sort it out with Teju. He agrees to talk to Teju openly. Akhil stays alone in the garden area. He is quite dull and missing his friends, family.

3:45 PM: For ten minutes, Bigg Boss live feed struck on Natraj master who is sitting alone. He seems to be lost in his deep thoughts. Rest all are having jokes at the expense of the other member. But the day seems to have turned dull with everyone looking to take some kind of rest without mapping.

3:30 PM: Ashu finally wakes up from bed to look at Mithraw and Akhil at Coffee Shop. Chaitu requests Akhil to eat. He says he is not in the mood. Ajay says that they should be ready for Funtastic Friday tasks. Anil hopes for Bigg Boss to give them some nap time. Mithraw joins the boys in Coffee Shop.

3:15 PM: Everybody start to have their lunch. For vegetarians they prepare fried rice. Non vegetarians get Egg Curry. Chaitu seems to be very concerned about everyone eating properly and he is asking everyone to come and eat. Natraj master seems to have confined to cook duty in the house for now.

3:00 PM: Natraj master is busy preparing lunch with Hameeda. Akhil continues his speech directed to his friends asking them to join his parents as guests. He tells them that they shouldn't feel bad as he found friends here. Chaitu calls everyone for lunch.

2:45 PM: Rice spoils due to Bigg Boss interference. Akhil misses his parents and friends. He asks Bigg Boss to send a photo of his parents or a video of his parents or photo of his friends. He asks him at least bring them as guests. He seems to be really missing them from heart.

2:30 PM: Bigg Boss asks members to stay in the bedroom by bringing down the blinds. Ashu feels week as she did not eat in the morning. Teju and Ajay have fun teasing everyone in the house. Natraj master and Chaitu practice dance moves. Shiva joins them and they tease him.

2:15 PM: Housemates continue to prepare lunch. Akhil talks about preparing Sunniundalu, sweet, during his season. Now, he cannot because they don't have enough luxury budget. Teju jokes about using Rs. 300. Ashu Reddy and Ariyana joke about Ashu's reluctance in taking medicines. She visits doctor and she denies to eat anything. Housemates offer her to drink something to avoid dizziness.

2:00 PM: Everyone settles down after tasks and Holi celebration. Shiva massages Bindu while Anil does for him. They have funny banter going on about why did she vote for him as worst performer. Housemates get ready to cook lunch for everyone. Mithraw asks Akhil to sing but he resists the temptation. Chaitu starts his chopping vegetables work.

1:45 PM: Teju selects Shiva to show how not to talk to a girl. They successfully complete the task. All housemates request for one last song and after everyone requesting for more than 10 minutes, Bigg Boss plays the song. They end the Holi celebration shouting Happy Holi to the cameras.

1:30 PM: Third couple Mahesh and Hameeda get a situation to recreate as neighborhood boy and girl. Teju gives them this scenario as she feels Mahesh cannot impress a girl just by talking. Finally, housemates let them play the scene without disturbing. Mahesh and Hameeda's performance is most entertaining over others. Mahesh reveals his original love story.

1:15 PM: Ashu and Anil go next. Anil doesn't really find the nice vibe to impress. His compliments turn out to be slurry insults rather than cute praises. His words make everyone laugh out loud and he asks them to not disturb him. Still Ashu tells her that she is impressed and they complete the task successfully as well.

1:00 PM: Ajay and Bindu go first. Housemates tease them continuosly. Chaitu interrupts them. When someone disturb, Teju slams at them. Finally, everyone starts to remain silent and they start the task. Ajay compliments Bindu to end and tells her that he likes her smile. His dialogues make everyone hoot for him.

12:45 PM: Teju tells them to notice, compliment, think about her qualities and  talk only about her during the first meet. Giving Security is also important. Anil, Ajay and Mahesh seem to enjoy her training session. Teju picks Hameeda for Mahesh, Ashu for Anil and Bindu for Ajay. After training Teju becomes the host. 

12:30 PM: Bigg Boss gives a task to Teju to select three female housemates and three male housemates and then train males to flirt with females. Men should be able to make women fall for them. Teju should give them training. Teju selects Anil, Ajay and Mahesh to train. First thing she tells them is to notice a women properly.

12:15 PM: Akhil tries to skip the celebration. Chaitu drags him out and everyone apply color on him. Ashu hugs him as well. Everyone participate in the celebration with high enthusiasm. It is now morning activity time. Mahesh reads out the task details.

12:00 PM: Bigg Boss relieves Shiva and grants him bail. He grants permission to housemates to celebrate Holi. Ariyana is able to enter into Jail through the bars. Its Holi celebration time. Everyone dance and enjoy like anything. Bigg Boss DJ is on fire with song selection.

11:45 PM: Ashu finally calms down and jokes about her culinary skills. Other housemates continue to get ready for possible Holi celebration.

11:30 AM: Akhil makes right Dosa on the same pan that Ashu failed. Ashu fees bad about it and walks off. Chaitu and Akhil continue to tease her and she stars to shed tears. Akhil takes Dosa to Ashu and she continues to sulk.

11:15 AM: Akhil helps Ashu in making Dosa. Chaitu and Natraj Master convince her to cook. Ashu stands firm on Dosa pan being bad. Akhil cooks and supports her argument. Chaitu and Anil continue to tease Ashu. She continues her Vikramarka trials to win against Dosa Bethal.

11:00 AM: Chaitu makes fun of Ashu's Dosa which becomes Upma. She walks away upset. Akhil and Ashu maintain dead silence even while they are being in same room. Housemates request for Special Holi clothes.

10:45 PM: Everyone is planning for Holi celebration to start.  Natraj master and Ashu have fun preparing Dosas. Master teases her about her cooking skills.

10:30 AM: Mahesh tries to equate Bigg Boss with life as a metaphor. Anil agrees with him. Ashu continues to have her slightly tempered conversation with Shiva. Mahesh continues to theorise how housemates Overthinking kills the game in Bigg Boss.

10:15 AM: Ashu tries to speak with Shiva but he ignores. She is hurt by his silence. She tries to talk to him and pokes at him. He responds and tells her that he is not trying to torture her. Ashu is further hurt for him not calling her his friend. 

10:00 AM: Chaitu requests Bigg Boss to grant bail to Shiva. Anil and Bindu discuss with him about ration budget and how to spend Rs. 300 on required items. Rest of them are busy preparing breakfast.

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Well, the weekend is here. This Saturday is going to be an interesting day in Bigg Boss Non-Stop season as we saw few arguments flaring up all through the week. Shiva is taking an issue with everyone who took an issue with him. Ariyana had two fights with Sarayu and Captain Chaitu. Ashu has problem with Chaitu and Akhil. How are all these incidents going to change group dynamics in the show? Let's catch up where we left off yesterday and carry on with the live updates.