Deivamagal serial actress absconding after robbing from own house

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,September 16 2020]

A Tamil serial actress has gone missing after planning a robbery in her own house and instructing her husband to carry out her plan to dupe his parents. Manikandan the son of a farmer in Panrutty came to Chennai aiming to join the film industry a few years back and started working as a driver to serial actresses for survival.

Manikandan then met serial actress Suchithra and fell in love with her and married her secretly. The coronavirus lockdown for the past five months caused the couple to lose their livelihood and they found it difficult to manage in Chennai.

Manikandan then took Suchithra to his native place and introduced her to his parents and after some reluctance, they accepted the marriage. Suchithra then after noticing that there were jewels and money in her inlaw's house hatched a plan to rob them.

Suchithra then convinced Manikandan to execute the crime and suggested that they use the money to make a short film and upload it on YouTube to make money for themselves and also gain fame.

The plan that looks straight out of a Tamil serial worked like this Suchithra left her inlaws house to Chennai saying that she has some work and after a few days Manikandan robbed the jewels and cash and was also on his way.

However Manikandan's parents lodged a police complaint and the cops quickly deduced that the son of the house is the culprit and nabbed him and put him in jail. Hearing the news that the police are after her as the mastermind of the crime Suchithra who has acted in the famous serial 'Deivamagal' has absconded.