Renowned Daredevil 'Remi Enigma' Tragically Falls from Hong Kong Skyscraper

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 31 2023]

Another death-defying daredevil who was famous with his feat on Instagram - Remi Lucidi, popularly referred to as ‘Remi Enigma’ met a tragic fall when he somersaulted off the 40-storey Hong Kong skyscraper. The 30-year-old thrill seeker had racked up more than 3,000 followers with jaw dropping photos and videos of his daring escapades atop buildings, cranes, and bridges worldwide.

His latest trip brought him to Hong Kong's 68-story Tregunter Tower in the pricey Mid-Levels. Witnesses say they saw him trying to get back inside the penthouse before the fatal crash.

Pictures captured Lucidi’s daredevil exploits, showing him clinging to tall spires and edges without safety harnesses, pushing the limits of what many believed possible.

Online, the community was deeply touched by his death and supporters paid tribute to the passion and courage he epitomised. Authorities recovered the sports camera at the scene giving insight into what he was getting up to fuelled by adrenaline.

As family, friends and followers pay their condolences to the beloved daredevil after his death, officials of the French consulate have been intimated, and authorities are going to investigate circumstances surrounding the tragic incident.