COVID-19: Retired Police officer arrested for conducting daughter's wedding in a big way!

Kerala went into a statewide lockdown on March 24 (Tuesday), hours before the Centre declared nationwide shutdown to contain the coronavirus spread. While Police officers in the state are relentlessly working across the state to prevent people from moving out of homes unnecessarily, a retired police officer in Kollam was arrested on Wednesday for holding his daughter’s wedding violating the lockdown guidelines.

As many as 50 people including kids attended the function despite getting a warning from the officials to limit the number of guests to not exceed 10. Though the former policeman had ensured them to abide by the regulations but violated it later. This is at a time when the state government had issued an order stating not more than five persons should assemble anywhere.

The accused was booked under section 118 (e) (knowingly does any act which causes danger to public or failure in public safety) of Kerala Police Act and section 188 (Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant). He was later released on bail. Police said they will also book guests who took part in the wedding flouting the lockdown guidelines that prohibit the gathering of more than five persons.