COVID-19 could end within two years: WHO Chief

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,August 22 2020]

We have heard WHO officials say in the past that COVID-19 will be a long-term phenomenon. WHO has also said that there could be no silver bullet to beat the novel coronavirus.

Latest, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said that the virus could come to an end within two years. The Spanish flu of 1918 took two years to come to an end. With technological advances, COVID-19 can end in lesser time. We also have the technology to stop the virus. We have the knowledge to do it, Tedros commented.

The global coronavirus death tally is estimated to be 800,000, with 22.7 million infections so far. The US, Brazil and India have contributed the highest to the infection tally.

In India, the fatality rate is low and it's a great sign that our country might fight the pandemic faster than the rest of the world.