Covid-19: Central team reveals its key findings about Hyderabad

The Inter-Ministerial Central Team, which recently visited Hyderabad to check on Telangana's preparedness to battle Covid-19, on Thursday issued a statement of its key findings. Here we bring you some key highlights:

Telangana has got adequate testing kits and PPEs with it.

End-to-End IT dashboard has been used for all stages of treatment.

Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad has treated more than 93% patients. The hospital has the capacity to conduct 300 tests per day.

A house-to-house survey has been done in containment zones. The government is ensuring the door-to-door delivery of essentials.

MyGHMC app is being used for information about food kiosks.

Mobile canteens are being run by GHMC for the benefit of vulnerable sections.

The Central Drug Store is monitoring the stock of medicines in 44 district and sub-district hospitals on a real-time basis.

ICMT lauds the role of community leaders in making the lockdown successful in Hyderabad.

As told by the Ministry of Home Affairs, here are some suggestions by the IMCT team:

Open separate corridors for the movement of staff and patients in hospitals.

COVID-19 patients should not be admitted in wards that have no attached toilets in order to prevent the crowding of patients.

Ensure separate areas for donning and doffing in hospitals.