Alarming increase of COVID 19 cases in Tamil Nadu warning issued by TNSDMA

The coronavirus pandemic which started spreading worldwide like wildfire caused complete lockdowns everywhere from April 2020 which lasted for almost eight months. It was from November that a certain degree of normalcy returned especially in Tamil Nadu where cases went down drastically and was maintaining at around 600 per day on an average.

Today the Tamil Nadu State Disaster Management Authority has announced in official social media page Daily Corona positive cases have increased by 51.81 % in the past 16 days. Let us follow covid safety Precautions strictly. Wear mask.Keep distance. Avoid crowded places.

The TNSDMA has added Let us conserve the hard earned victory over Corona. Let us respect the sacrifices of Frontline workers. With some places like Nagpur and parts of Maharashtra announcing lockdowns again it remains to be seen if such measures will be taken in TN too.

The latest reports on the COVID 19 situation is 685 new Covid19 cases reported in Tamil Nadu today. 292/ 685 cases from Chennai. 65,764 persons tested today. 543 patients discharged. 5 new deaths. Total: 8,57,602 cases, 8,40,723 discharged & 12,535 deaths