China starts testing coronavirus vaccine on 500 people in phase 2

Chine has started testing a vaccine for the novel coronavirus in Wuhan where it originated and then spread to the whole world infecting nearly two million people and claimed the lives of 120,438 at last count. It has been reported that this is the phase two of testing the antidote to determine the efficacy of the drug while the first phase involved safety which apparently was a success.

The new vaccine, developed by the Institute of Biotechnology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences of China is to be tested on 500 people with the first being an 84-year-old Wuhan resident named Xiong Zhengxing who was injected in the presence of his daughter.

China is the first country in the world to map the genome sequence of the COVID 19 which it shared with the US and other countries and now the race is on to develop the cure for the deadly killer disease. In India Serum Institute of India and Bharat Biotech lab are in the process of coming out with a drug while USA has already begun testing theirs on humans. It may not be too far in the future when the novel coronavirus will find its match in the form of an injection.