WHO stops clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine for Coronavirus!

Within less than one week since the United States president Donald Trump said that he's been taking doses of Hydroxychloroquine, the World Health Organization has now stopped testing the malaria drug for coronavirus patients because of safety concerns. This was announced by the WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus yesterday.

Hydroxychloroquine has been said by Donald Trump and many othrs as a treatment for the disease caused by coronavirus and had even threatened India into exporting the drug to the US last month, despite the fact that the drug could have negative side effects on health.

Tedros said that the executive group has implemented a temporary pause of hydroxychloroquine arm within the trial as the safety data is being reviewed by the data safety monitoring board. However, the other arms of the trial are continuing. As said by Dr Mike Ryan, the head of the WHO emergencies programme, this decision to stop hydroxychloroquine trials was taken as a precautionary measure.