A shocking twist in Jayalalitha death investigation

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,July 08 2018]

Its been more than one and a half years since the death of Tamil Nadu's former Chief Minister J.Jayalalitha however the mystery surrounding her death still remains unsolved. The TN Government has formed a committee headed by Justice Aarumugasamy, a former High Court Judge to probe the circumstances surrounding the death of the leader considered as iron Lady of Tamil Nadu politics.

Many witnesses including Jayalalitha's close family members, relatives, her friend Sasikala, her family members, doctors and servants are being investigated. The Apollo Hospital management where she was admitted for 72 days prior to death had also deposed in front of the commission.

Now the new bolt out of the blue is that the deposition of the ECG technician of Apollo Hospital, Chennai contradicts with the statement of the hospital regarding the time the deceased leader suffered the fatal cardiac arrest.

ECG technician Nalini has said that Jayalalitha was administered the ECG test at 3:50 PM on December 4, 2016. However in the official records of the Apollo Hospital it has been states that Jaya suffered the cardiac arrest at 4:20 pm on that day. Sasikala who was staying with Jayalitha throughout the period of the former's treatment had also given a similar submission.

Nalini's version adds value to the deposition of diabetologist Jayashree Gopal who has deposed that she received the call from Apollo hospital at around 4 PM on December 4, 2016 asking her to rush to the hospital to attend Jayalalitha.

The versions of Nalini and Jayashree hint that Jayalalitha would have suffered the cardiac arrest or attained the circumstances leading to that much before the time stated in the official records submitted by the hospital.