Chinmayi once again questions about serial sex offender

Chinmayi has been an active pioneer of the Me Too movement in South India and has been championing the causes of several affected women from all wakes of life through her social media pages. A few days earlier Chinmayi had called attention that the alleged serial rapist and sex offender Nagercoil Kasi was already pointed out by her and several other women but action against him was late.

Today another report has emerged that Nagercoil Kasi had on the pretext of love had raped and cheated three more college girls. His modus operandi is surfing the internet and social media apps including Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook, make friends with them and then by his nefarious methods pretend to be deeply in love and then convince them to meet him.

During his meeting Kasi had allegedly raped the girls and then to their utter shock a few days later would start blackmailing them with photos and videos of the intimate moments that he recorded unknown to them.

Chinmayi has written If only cyber crime could take note. So many of us warning and filing online complaints against men who send abuse and genitalia photos. More of than not this behaviour spills on to real life.