China is building a bridge in India: Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandi on Wednesday said that China is building a diplomatic bridge in India. Sharing a video clip, the Congress leader said, The PLA's spirits are increasing due to the silence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

This comes just a few days after the Wayanad MP said that the Modi government first surrendered India's land to China and is now jeopardising our close neighbours by its inaction in pushing back China. If you don't stand up for yourself, how will you stand up for your friends? he asked.

A host of Congress leaders have amplified Rahul's message on social media. Lalji Desai, the chief organizer of Congress Sevadal, wrote, That Hindutvawadi, every extremist (ultimate) is a coward who bows before fear. Humanist fights firmly for the self-respect of themselves and their country. The nationalist works to grab power in the name of nationalism. Then hides.

Jitu Patwari, a Congress leader from Madhya Pradesh, tweeted, The silence of Modi ji is the biggest reason for the diplomatic defeat! Behind the audacity of China, the poor foreign policy of the BJP government is equally responsible! Modi ji, come out of the enchanted aura of self-reliance! See the truth, hear the truth and accept the truth too!