Breaking! Chevella MP gives blow to TRS

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 20 2018]

Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, the Chevella parliamentarian, has on Tuesday tendered his resignation to the Telangana Rashtra Samithi. This comes only days ahead of the Assembly polls in Telangana on December 7.

In an open letter to KCR, Reddy says that the party has compromised on its principles by giving greater prominence to those who were against the idea of Telangana statehood in the Cabinet. He alleges in the letter that those 'karyakartas' who struggled for statehood have been sidelined.

He begins his letter by talking about his achievements as a Lok Sabha member, the hard work he has put through over the years, and how he rallied behind himself and TRS voters of all castes and diverse backgrounds.

Reddy writes that he has immense respect for KCR garu for his achievements.