Centre urges States to include milk in mid-day meal scheme

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 03 2018]

The BJP-led Centre has urged the States to include milk in the mid-day meal scheme which is being implemented. Inclusion of milk has been made mandatory so as to ensure that children don't suffer from malnourishment.

Mid-day meal scheme is implemented by many State Governments including Tamil Nadu in an apparent attempt to make children attend Schools regularly.It is also intended to ensure that children from the downtrodden communities remain healthy and get to eat at least one square meal per day.Tamil Nadu has always been on the forefront in implementing this scheme as it has included egg as part of the meal.

Union Ministry of Human Resource Development and Union Ministry of Women & Child Development had conducted a joint survey on malnourishment among children. Based on the results of the survey, these two Ministries appealed to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to consider making a glass of milk to each child as part of the mid-day meal scheme implemented by State Governments.The matter was also taken up with the Union Ministry of Agriculture.

As a corollary to this appeal, the Agriculture Ministry has communicated to all State Governments and Union Territory administrations to include milk as part of the menu in mid-day meal schemes so as to offset the ill-effects of malnourishment, which has become the bane of Indian children during the past few decades.

States and UTs have been instructed not to delay the inclusion of the milk in mi-day meal schemes.