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Bro Review

Review by IndiaGlitz [ Friday, July 28, 2023 • Tamil ]
Bro Review
People Media Factory in collaboration with Zee Studios
Pawan Kalyan, Sai Tej
TG Vishwa Prasad
Thaman S

BRO Movie Review

BRO has been highly anticipated due to the unique pairing of Pawan Kalyan and Sai Dharam Tej, marking their first collaboration in their illustrious careers. Today, the movie, helmed by director Samuthirakani, has hit the screens. Here's our review.


Mark (Sai Dharam Tej) is a dedicated corporate employee burdened with the responsibility of supporting his family. Tragically, he loses his life in a car accident and finds himself meeting God (Pawan Kalyan) in the skies. Distraught with his demise, Mark implores God for a second chance to make things right. Surprisingly, the Time God grants him not just 90 days but also accompanies him back into his life. The story unfolds as Mark and the Time God journey through time to bring about change.

BRO Movie Review


The chemistry between Pawan Kalyan and Sai Tej is captivating and keeps viewers engaged throughout. Their endearing camaraderie, punctuated by the use of "BRO" in the dialogues, is a delight to watch on the screen. The family emotions in the second half are decent and hold the audience's attention, providing multiple entertaining moments for the fans.

BRO Movie Review

Director Samuthirakani ensures that Pawan's portrayal is showcased brilliantly, catering to the expectations of Pawan Kalyan's loyal fanbase. On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan captivates the audience as always, leading the narrative with exceptional skill. The Powerstar's charm, dialogue delivery, and on-screen presence are simply remarkable. Sai Tej, though facing some struggles with key emotional scenes, exhibits great chemistry with Pawan Kalyan. Rohini, Raja, Priya Varrier, and Ketika Sharma fit their roles perfectly.

Thaman's songs may disappoint, but his background score enhances the film splendidly. The cinematography, visual effects, and costumes for Pawan Kalyan are commendable. The editing is flawless, maintaining a crisp runtime that keeps the audience engaged. However, Trivikram's dialogues are superb and elevate the film nicely in many scenes.

BRO Movie Review

The film could have elevated the emotions a bit more, and the pacing feels rushed at times, possibly due to time constraints during production. The transformation of Sai Dharam Tej's character should have been more gripping, and some family drama scenes come across as too loud. The mother-son relationship is not convincingly established, and a few scenes where Sai Tej takes on a fatherly role seem unnecessarily prolonged.

BRO Movie Review


BRO revolves around Pawan Kalyan's impeccable performance. His fans will relish seeing their star hero excel in mature acting, complemented by the nostalgic touch of old songs. The film also succeeds in connecting with the audience on an emotional level and makes BRO a very good watch with your entire family.

Rating: 3.25 / 5.0

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