British historian attacks 'RRR', receives flak from Indians

Robert Tombs, who is an emeritus professor in History at the University of Cambridge, is a well-known author and historian in the UK. He has written a column railing against 'Roudram Ranam Rudhiram'.

In an article titled 'What Netflix’s RRR gets wrong about the British Raj', Tombs laments that the SS Rajamouli-directed magnum opus promotes racism against the British.

Accusing Netflix of promoting a pseudo-historical blockbuster, Tombs further says that the portrayal of Governor Scott and his wife in the movie is amazingly silly and unusually nasty. RRR panders to the reactionary and violent Hindu nationalism that is coming to dominate Indian culture and politics, fanned by the Modi government, the historian further writes in the Spectator column.

Indians are countering Tombs across social media handles, asking him to learn about the trillions of dollars that the British Raj looted from India, thereby impoverishing the country by the time they left in 1947. Netizens are reminding the columnist of how Winston Churchill's policies caused a famine in India, resulting in the death of millions in the 1940s.