Breaking! 'India takes revenge, Pak shaken'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,September 29 2018]

On Friday, marking the second anniversary of the famous 2016 Uri surgical strikes by the Indian army against Pakistan, Home Minister Rajnath Singh hinted that a revenge strike had taken place 3-4 days ago. This was to avenge the killing of a BSF trooper by Pakistan.

Something did happen (most recently). I will not reveal what it's now. It was a really big thing. You will also see what happens in future, Rajnath Singh said yesterday.

Following this assertion by the Home Minister, a national TV channel has on Saturday come out with a report. The channel has shown the pictures of evacuation activity taking place across the LoC in Pakistan.

Many Pakistani civilians have been evacuated following India's revenge, the report says. Families have been shifted in bunkers. Heavy destruction and casualties reported, it says.