Bombay High Court Dismisses Salim Javed's plea of Rights On 'Zanjeer'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 03 2013]

Relief for Ram Charan's most awaited project 'Zanjeer' aka 'Thoofan'. The Mumbai High Court Here it is the Bombay High Court order which rejected Salim Javed's case for Injunction on Zanjeer/Thoofan on September 2, 2013 dismissed the application of Salim - Javed who were seeking interim injunction on release of Zanjeer remake, starring Ram Charan, Priyanka and directed by Apoorva Lakhia and produced by Reliance Entertainment, Prakash Mehra Production along with Flying Turtle and held that.

1. Salim-Javed had approached the Court with an incorrect case, twisted their case in the course of hearing, belied their initial story pleaded in their plaint and failing to substantiate their incorrect case attempted to procure certain affidavits and letters which the Hon’ble Court refused to give credence to.

2. Salim Khan has made incorrect statements before the Hon’ble Court and has given explanations on oath before the Hon’ble Court which on the face of it is incorrect.

3. The Hon’ble Court has opined that, prima facie it is Shri Prakash Mehra who was the owner of the copyright in the underlying literary work of the original film Zanjeer and not Salim-Javed as contended.

4. The Hon’ble Court has also importantly observed that, even if the Hon’ble Court had reached a conclusion in favor of Salim-Javed holding copyright, as alleged, Salim-Javed would still not be entitled to any reliefs sought by them on ground of their deliberate delay in initiating the aforesaid legal action. In fact the Hon’ble Court has categorically concluded that Salim-Javed were certainly guilty of delay on their own part in approaching the Court.

5. The Hon’ble Court has also observed that acceptance of Salim-Javed’s case of mandatory injunction in the facts and circumstances would be totally unfair to the producers, as from day one up to the completion of the shooting Salim-Javed have repeatedly claimed money for their alleged case of copyright infringement hence disentitling them of any injunctive relief.

6. The Hon’ble Court has observed that the balance of convenience lies in favor of the Defendants requiring rejection of the reliefs sought by Salim-Javed It comes as a welcome relief for the producers who are prepared for the release of the film this week and for Charan’s fans for they have been awaiting the hero’s film for a while now. It will be interesting to see who will be credited for the ‘Story’.

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