"You're wasting the chance that was not given to me," Niroop accuses Priyanka!

The 'Ticket to Finale' task is currently going on in the Bigg Boss house with 5 contestants. Niroop, Pavni and Thamarai were expelled from the task in previous days. In today's task, we saw that the Bigg Boss placed cutouts of the players and asked them to throw colour on them according to the question.

In the last promo, Bigg Boss asks, Which contestant you think should not win? Priyanka says, I can't say that a person shouldn't win. I am okay even if I lose and throws colour on her cutout itself. Then, we see scenes of Niroop saying to Priyanka, You are not true to your game, in my opinion.

Priyanka responds, Why would I put someone down like that? Niroop replies, To answer the question that was given to you. Priyanka says, I didn't want to answer the question. Niroop furiously says, If you're not playing the game properly, you're wasting the chance that was not given to me. Then, we were shown the scenes of Niroop and Aamir's conversation.

Niroop says to Aamir, Priyanka sent me out in the first task. She decided that I'm not qualified to be in the task and expelled me. Now, she should prove herself worthy in the game, right? Let's see what Bigg Boss reacts on Priyanka's gameplay and Niroop's complaint.