Balakrishna and bad vibes

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,October 28 2004]

His infamous shooting incident may be long-forgotten history.

But Balakrishna's troubles are far from over.

His much-written about, and much-hyped too, Vijayandra Varma is getting delayed for one reason or the other.

The star is currently in London, winding up the shoot. But reports about the film have not been encouraging.

Some sections of the media have already rumored that there are very few takers for the film. They said that the initial impressions about the film (the portions that have been shot so far) have not been so good. The distributors are not impressed, they say.

But the truth of the matter, according to reliable sources, is that many are worried that Balakrishna may have lost his hold over the masses because of the bad publicity over the shoot-out. He also suffered an injury during one of the film's schedule.

They feel that the bad vibes of the incident will affect the movie.

In a sentiment and superstition-ridden industry, these things do matter.

Balakrishna, however, is not overtly worried about it all. Once he finishes Vijayendra, he plans to get down to do his own film.

Self-help is the best help in such times.